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25 Years of Rehabilitation Engineering Experience

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Services Offered

Job Accommodation Evaluation

* Thorough evaluation is at the foundation of each client served by JAI
* Includes assessing the client's functional vision and job tasks
* Drawing from many years of experience using detailed methodologies results in a targeted and reassuring plan for the client and his or her employer

Computer Technology Engineering

* JAI offers in depth knowledge for configuring complex Braille, synthetic speech, and large print access technology
* JAI provides highly technical screen reader scripting, which requires knowledge of a computer programming language
* Scripting enables speech access to computer applications which would otherwise have been inaccessible

Computer Assistive Technology and Application Training

* Focused training to meet the needs of the client as determined by the job accommodation evaluation
* Training for Braille, speech, and large print assistive technology
* Training for popular operating systems, word processing, spreadsheet, data base, and internet applications

Vocational Evaluation

* Completely modular and portable evaluation system.
* Onsite phase of the evaluation may be conducted at the client's home, RSB office, or other suitable setting (minimal travel and inconvenience for the client).
* Onsite phase of the evaluation is completed in two part-day sessions.
* Outcomes are driven by active client and counselor involvement; specific vocational evaluation procedures are dictated by:

  • Client's expressed needs, goals, interests, and expectations
  • Referral/evaluation questions, special requests, and overall objectives of the referring counselor
  • Professional expertise and judgment of the evaluator
* State-of-the-art computer assisted analysis and interpretation software and sophisticated professional resources supplement intensive manual analysis by highly qualified staff to convert massive amounts of evaluation data into truly meaningful results and recommendations
* Comprehensive evaluation reports include practical, realistic, and objectively-based recommendations
* This approach can serve as a valuable precursor to community-based on-the-job evaluations (eliminating costly and unproductive trial and error selection of OJE placements)


Download vocational evaluation referral form here

* and auto reply email addresses for learning to send and receive email


Copyright 2018, Job Accommodations, Inc.